Hi guys. This is now the diet spot. This is a place for all of you to come and share your thoughts about what is happening in your diet world. This is a forum for you to describe the challenges that you face and if possible describe how you have been able to overcome those challenges. In otherwards this is your blog section. I welcome contributions from anyone and would be absolutely delighted if you can add ideas as to what you thing works in the blogs. There is a great article at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0801/is_6_68/ai_n19187622/ which describes the difference between dieting and muscle growth. They also talk about the importance of good nutrition. They are argue that it is not a very good idea to prioritize training over good diet.
I have to say that personally I tend to let things go hoping for the best. There is very little structure to my diet and I tend to eat whatever is placed before me as long as it is in reasonable quantities. I also sometimes feel that weight training ends up giving you more muscle and you might actually end up much heavier than you were before you started. Clearly this is not an ideal situation. However I think if you get good advice and people around you who understand your predicament, chances are that you will be able to overcome any challenges with the diet.
The other thing I really hate is when people put you on the spot and ask you how much weight you have lost or how you intend to stick to the diet plan. I know some people might think that this is motivation but to me it causes lots of embarrassment and a feeling that I need to overcompensate by trying to do too much. The choice of a training regime can also be problematic. I am one of those people who generally do not like weightlifting but on my day I will quite happily play tennis or swim. Unfortunately those facilities are not always available apart from the very best sports clubs. Time can also be a problem but I definitely do like the idea of mixing up the diet and exercise to get to your optimum weight.
I am interested to hear from people who have struggled with a diet or even those who have finally managed to overcome any problems with overweight through undergoing an exercise and diet regime. Please tell us about your experiences. They might help someone somewhere.
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