Whenever people go on a diet they are advised to take plenty of water. There is a reason behind this instruction because the body is primarily made of up of fluids that need to be replenished at the earliest opportunity. It simply does not make sense to ignore the water needs of the body in the hope that they will just disappear. The body tends to indicate to the person that it needs water and this is usually achieved through the medium of thirst. If the person is thirsty, they have to take steps to fill up the water that they are missing. The alternative is dehydration and eventually death if water is completely unavailable. This of course is the extreme case when the person is at crisis point.
Generally speaking the people have to make an effort to include water within the diet so that it becomes the norm rather than the exception. This will eventually pay off by way of increased health and general comfort that the person is having. People who do not take water on a regular basis tend to have a number of health problems including constipation. It is essential that the digestive system is given the best chance of absorbing the useful nutrients and getting to grips with the food that we ingest. If we decide not to take water, then we are making it hard for the body to function.
Water is not as cheap as it should be. Due to heath concerns and stylistic issues, some people have adopted bottled water as their drink of choice. This is a great thing because it does prevent the transmission of waterborne diseases. The water is normally prepared and packaged by reputable companies that follow the strictest standards of production. However people also have to be wary of distilled waters because they lack some of the essential minerals that the body needs to function properly. The distillation process is very harsh and will just take out the liquid without the minerals. At other times some manufacturers include certain additives that bring back the nutrients but really the best water is the one that comes naturally to us. As long as efforts are made to boil the water, there should not be a really big problem about this. It is certainly no excuse for people to stop taking water as part of their normal diet. Water is life and those who love life should endeavor to include it within their diets.